Christianity encompasses a multitude of nuanced aspects that may prove challenging for some to confront. In the following discourse, we will elucidate 14 harsh truths about Christianity, truths that often remain unexplored. It is through acknowledging these complexities that a more profound understanding of the faith can be attained.
History of Violence
From the Crusades to the Inquisition, Christianity has been responsible for a wide range of violence throughout history. Much of it has to do with oppression against other religions. Christians were also the ones who were responsible for the witch trials–and not just in Salem. The UK had its fair share of trials.
The Bible is not Monolithic
The Bible was written by multiple authors at different times, and that means it includes different perspectives when it comes to events and guidelines on how to live. Therefore, there is no single way to interpret the Bible.
Christianity isn’t Perfect
Despite what Christians are often taught, Christianity was created by man, and therefore is not a perfect religion. Its full of people who have made mistakes, and it has a lot of controversial aspects. The Bible is constantly being reinterpreted to adapt to different ideas. And it’s often used to justify harmful behavior, such as sexism and judging others.
Christianity isn’t Guaranteed to Make You Happy
Christians are often taught that Christianity is the way to happiness. They may act as if it will solve all of our problems. The truth is, however, Christians still have their problems to deal with–whether it’s money, relationships, or addiction. Being happy usually requires a lot more than finding religion of any kind.
Christianity Can’t Solve the World’s Problems
In addition to Christianity not solving all personal problems, it also can’t solve the world’s problems. It doesn’t cure diseases or eliminate poverty. No religion does. Instead, it offer hope and guidance during difficult times. It teaches love and encourages serving others. But it doesn’t promise that there won’t be any loss or suffering.
Christianity is Not For Everyone
Christianity may be taught like it’s the only path, but there are literally hundreds of religions, many of which talk about a similar god. So, for one, it’s not the only way to God. And the Christian god is also not the only god out there. Some people find peace and contentment with Christianity and its god, and others choose a different path that brings them peace.
Christianity isn’t Always Fair
Again, Christianity is not perfect. And it’s also not always fair. We live in a fallen world, and evil and sin are a part of it. It’s also not always predictable. Prayer only seems to work part of the time, and it’s hard to understand why things happen while believing in a God like the Christian God.
Christianity isn’t Always Logical
Christianity is based on faith, not logic. And there are many issues that come with this factor. Faith cannot prove anything, while logic is used to draw conclusions. These things often don’t work together. For instance, LGBQIA rights are often a subject of controversy because many find that logically, there’s nothing wrong with it. But Christianity often says otherwise.
Christianity is Divisive
With the different interpretations of the Bible, and the issues of the world, Christianity is very divisive. It has dozens of denominations because of the different ideas. Many are often divided on the what the very purpose of being a Christian is. Politics often interfere with Christianity as well, as there are different opinions and ideas of morals that people have.
Christianity is Used to Justify Bad Behavior
Christianity is often used to justify bad behavior, because people use faith and the Bible as an excuse. Sexism is a good example, as Christinaity was used (and still is used) to justify gender roles and oppression–typically against women It’s also been used to justify slavery and racism. Evangelism is also a practice that is used to judge others.
Christianity Doesn’t Make You a Good Person
People often go into Christianity with the belief that it’ll make them a good person. The truth is that being a Christian alone doesn’t make you a good person. Sometimes it can contribute to being a bad person. It’s all about choices, and often how you treat other people. Being kind to people and doing good deeds are some of the things that make up a good person. There are also many good people out there who are not Christians.
Christianity Changes
Christianity has changed over the years, and evolved with common moral standards. We talked about it’s history of oppression against women. Women’s rights were one thing it evolved to agree with. The abolition of slavery and the inclusion of civil rights are other factors that have changed. Some churches have evolved to believe in LGBTQIA rights as well.
Christianity is Full of Hypocrites and Contradiction
Christianity is made up of people, and people are not perfect. It’s taught to be a religion of peace, kindness and good moral standards, but it’s also full of hypocrites. Many Christians say they believe one thing, and then act on another. Cheating on wives and husbands is a good example. It’s also full of contradiction. The Bible says not to judge others, yet evangelism is used as an excuse to do just that.
Christianity Has Had Some Controversial Leaders
Many church leaders throughout history have made moves that are controversial, and make people question the church as a whole. From sexual assault, to scandals and power struggles, it’s been full of questionable leaders.
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