12 Innocent Actions That Secretly Drive People Crazy – Are You Guilty?

Alex Brown

Have you ever been in a situation where you did something you thought was pretty normal, only for people around to start acting irritated? You’re my the only one; here are 12 harmless gestures that most people find really irritating:

Using Your Phone In The Middle Of a Conversation

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Have you ever been conversing with someone, and then you whip out your phone, and they stop talking? You may not have been aware of it then, but this is actually an attitude that lots of people find to be very annoying. Using your phone while someone is talking to you tells them that whatever they’re talking about is not important enough to warrant your full attention. Frankly, it’s just disrespectful.

Noisy Backgrounds During Calls

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Every time you hop on a call, there just seems to be this person who has a noisy background but would never mute their microphones. To make things even worse, you could be shouting for them to mute it, and because they’re not paying attention, they wouldn’t even hear you on time.

It’s basic etiquette to mute your phone or PC’s mic whenever you hop on a call with someone until you’re asked or expected to speak.

Eye rolling

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Lots of people would never readily admit it to their friends. Still, they absolutely hate it when they get eye-rolls of disbelief in return after sharing something really important to them. These eye rolls are usually unintentional and harmless, but the message they communicate is anything but. It’s okay to think that someone is telling tall tales, but rolling your eyes at them while they’re talking is more akin to mockery than anything.

“Harmless” Teasing

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If you’ve ever had people tease you for not doing something you really don’t want to do, you know how annoying it can be. Sometimes, what people consider to be harmless teasing isn’t actually so harmless for the person on the receiving end. If someone expresses that they don’t want to do something, it’s better to accept their decision rather than tease them endlessly for it. You may think you’re just having fun, but in reality, you could be coming off as irritating.

“Hey, Smile”

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There’s no doubt about the fact that the whole world could do with more than a couple of smiles to make it all brighter. However, people sometimes have too much going on in their lives that they forget to smile. Tapping these people on the shoulder and asking them to smile is both irritating and disrespectful. Once in a while, people simply need to process everything they’re going through, and asking them to smile belittles everything they are currently dealing with.

Unsolicited Advice

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When someone shares their challenges or problems with you, there’s always this temptation to jump in and offer advice. At this point, you think you’re helping out; however, the person might actually find you irritating for doing this. There’s a general rule of thumb concerning giving advice: if it’s not requested, don’t give it. Sometimes, people need you to listen and be there for them.

“Hey Hun”

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There are some things you don’t say when you’re meeting or talking to someone for the first time. One of them is calling people “hun” or other similar things. No, you’re not being sweet when you do this. Instead, you’re actually kind of coming off as creepy with more than a hint of irritating. Don’t call people you’ve just met sweet names. They might smile it off because they don’t want to upset you, but they definitely don’t like it.

Too Much Perfume

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Everybody wants to look good and smell nice each day. However, some people take smelling nice to a whole new level by spraying on too much perfume or cologne. Now, the people who sprayed the perfume may not feel anything is wrong, but for others with sensitive noses, the strong smell could be overpowering. So, is it any surprise that they find it irritating?

Public Whispering

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There are few things quite as annoying as public whispering. Wait, we’ll explain. You know that third-wheel feeling of exclusion you get when you’re with friends, and they start talking about stuff you don’t know anything about, and the conversation is flowing well? Yeah, that’s precisely what whispering in public does to people around. It creates this wall of exclusivity that people find quite irritating.

Jiggling Legs

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Leg jiggling is a common habit many people have, and it often happens because they feel restless or nervous. Somehow, this repetitive leg motion makes everything calmer, and it allows them to focus on the negative energy; however, for people around them, it may not be so good. Many people find leg jiggling irritating because it’s often a distraction, and it makes it harder for them to really focus.


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For the most part, staring is usually nothing more than a harmless statement of intrigue and fascination. However, when it goes on for an extended period, it morphs into a source of irritation. There’s nothing really wrong with becoming fascinated with something or someone, but you also have to be aware that continually staring at someone will make them uncomfortable.

All Caps Messages

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Do you have people who send messages in all caps? If you do, then you’ll be able to relate to the fact that receiving all-caps messages sort of seems like someone is shouting at you. For the one sending the message, it could seem like they’re just trying to be emphatic; however, it can be really annoying.

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Alex Brown
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